Frequently Asked Question

How can I edit my PC's IP Address range?
Last Updated 7 years ago

To edit your PC's IP address range you will need to do the following:

1) Open up your Network and Sharing Centre. This can be found by right clicking on your connectivity icon on the toolbar. Alternatively you can access this using the Control Panel under your Start Menu.

2) From here, you will need to select the option for "Change Adapter Options".

3) Select which interface you are using to connect to your radio (usually this is Ethernet) and right click it. Select Properties.

4) Next, you will need to select "Internet Protocol Version IPv4" and then click Properties.

5) Select the option for "Use the following IP Address" and type in an address on the 0 range, for example (Ensure that there is no other device on your network with the same IP address as you put in here as it will cause a conflict).

6) You should now be able to log onto your radio. Please note that if you want to use Internet capabilities on the adapter that you have performed the changes on you will need to change your interface back to "Obtain an IP address automatically".

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